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Slow Sort


Slow sort is a humorous, intentionally inefficient sorting algorithm designed as a parody of sorting algorithms. It repeatedly searches for the largest unsorted element in the list and swaps it with the last element until the entire list is sorted.

Quick Sort


Quick sort is a widely used, efficient, and divide-and-conquer sorting algorithm. It works by selecting a ‘pivot’ element from the array and partitioning the other elements into two sub-arrays, with elements smaller than the pivot on one side and larger on the other.

Hanoi Sort


Hanoi Sort is a sorting algorithm based on the Tower of Hanoi data structure where elements are moved from one ‘peg’ to another without putting a larger item on a smaller one.

Comb Sort


Comb Sort works by repeatedly comparing and swapping adjacent elements with a diminishing gap between them until the gap becomes 1, resembling the teeth of a comb.

Cocktail Sort


Cocktail sort, also known as shaker sort, is a variation of the bubble sort algorithm that sorts a list by moving through it bidirectionally, comparing and swapping adjacent elements in both directions.

Bubble Sort


Bubble sort is a simple sorting algorithm that repeatedly steps through the list, compares adjacent elements, and swaps them if they are in the wrong order. This process continues until the entire list is sorted, with larger elements “bubbling” to the end.

Banjo Kazooie Remastered and Re-Jiggyed


Banjo Kazooie Remastered and Re-Jiggyed is a fan project which remakes the levels from Banjo Kazooie/Tooie in a series of cinematic trailers.

Dragon Ball Kart 64


Dragon Ball Kart 64 is a homebrew hack of Mario Kart 64 where you can play through all the original tracks with all-new DB characters.

Wolfenstein 64


Wolfenstein 64 is a homebrew port of the classic FPS by Id Software. There are two versions: one by Jnmartin84 and another by 9_nova.

TRSI Intro


TRSI Intro is a homebrew demo for the Nintendo 64 which has a 3D animation of a ring traversing a tube and a whole lot of blank space.

Ataxx 64


Ataxx 64 is a hombrew game for the N64 in which you place pieces on a board in order to convert your opponent’s pieces and win the game.

Groovy Invaders


Groovy Invaders is a game I made using Groovy and JavaFX as practice using the language for an upcoming job.

Smash Remix v1.5.0 – Banjo Kazooie, Ebisumaru and Dragon King edition


Banjo Kazooie, Ebisumaru, Dragon King and Metal Luigi join the fight in the latest version of Smash Remix!

Getter Love English translation


The Getter Love English translation has been released after years in development, bringing the Japanese dating sim to the rest of the world.

Nacho 64


Nacho 64 is a homebrew demo for the N64 by SPLiT that recreates a scene complete with 3D models in a Mexican desert town.

Absolute Crap Intro #2


Absolute Crap Intro #2 is a homebrew demo by Lem of the SPLiT group which consists of a green beret character and a scrolling marquee.

Nufan demo


Nufan demo is a homebrew project by Kid Stardust which shows some morphing shapes and a lot of hard-to-read text.

New Libdragon section: Saving


While it is possible to make a game that doesn’t use any saves, it severely limits how long your game can be.

Saving on a Controller Pak


It is also possible to save on a Controller Pak to take advantage of the larger save space and portability.

Saving on EEPROM


The EEPROM is used to save gameplay data of up to 16kbit. Let’s have a look on how to interact with it using both high and low-level methods.

Analogue Test Utility


The Analogue Test Utility by WT Riker is a N64 demo that lets you determine how ‘tight’ the analogue joystick is on your controller.

New Libdragon section: audio


The Libdragon audio subsystem is used to play, stop and manipulate the audio stream. Though it only works with WAV, XM and YM files, it can be very versatile given the right input.

XM & YM effects


There is also a separate way of manipulating XM and YM audio tracks. It’s not as flexible as WAV, but still useful in some occasions.

Audio mixer (WAV effects)


The audio mixer can be used to modify waveform audio to create unique sounds using the same space in memory.

Playing audio using Libdragon


This tutorial will show you how Libdragon’s audio subsystem is used to play WAV, XM and YM files, mix them using the RSP and pushing it via the audio buffer and then out.

Composing & converting audio


Libdragon has 3 available file types for its audio output – WAV, XM and YM. This page will show how you can start composing your own.

Converting audio with audioconv64


You can use audioconv64 to convert audio files (.wav, .xm & .ym) to N64 format (.wav64, .xm64 & .ym64) for use with the Libdragon audio subsystem.

Five Nights at Freddy’s 64


Five Nights at Freddy’s 64 is a faithful port of the first FNAF game from 2014, recreated from scratch for the N64 by Rosie Sapphire.

New Libdragon section: Graphics processing


The Libdragon graphics engine has a few ways of defining how you can generate a visual display using both software and hardware methods. Let’s have a look to see how we can take advantage of its capabilities.

Hardware graphics


You can use the N64’s Reality Display Processor to speed up hardware graphics rendering of shapes and sprites. It’s faster, but more complex and less flexible.


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