Zelda: Link’s Awakening in development for N64

Update, Jul 2017: Looking back for progress on the Link’s Awakening project, it seems as though the creator has deleted all online references to it outside of his Patreon. There seems to be a few updates every few months for people who donate, but they aren’t visible to the public.
What a time to be alive! By the looks of things, there are more homebrew Nintendo 64 games being released than I have time to cover. This week I’m not going to be covering a specific game or demo per se, but rather go through one that is currently in production, and boy – is it an ambitious project. A team of modders are attempting to recreate the entirety of Link’s Awakening (the Zelda game on the Game Boy) by using the Ocarina of Time engine on the Nintendo 64.
There isn’t any release date mentioned in the trailer, but it does seem to be quite a ways away from completion. There has since been an update to the project with a video showing a tour of the initial Mabe Village, available here. You can also see Link fighting a bokoblin here.
This is definitely an ambitious project, I hope that Ty isn’t diting off more than he can chew with this project.
You can keep up to date with Link’s Awakening 64 by visiting Ty Anderson’s Facebook page about it.

So far in Link’s Awakening 64
- New textures have been added to the game.
- There are new maps and environments.
- Custom music has been included.
- Some of the icons are different.
- Some new character models and animations.
- The mod will be available via a patch for Ocarina of Time.
What has yet to be known
- Whether the ROM will be playable on N64 Hardware or only on an emulator.
- Any custom game logic (locked doors and puzzles)
- Link’s Awakening items like Roc’s Feather and the Pegasus Boots.
Old gallery
These screenshots were taken from a different version, not sure where they fall into.

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Retro King
Will Link’s awakening 64 ever be released, or is it cancelled for good? I want to play it.
From what I see, there hasn’t been an update since I wrote this post.