N64 Squid’s fourth anniversary – Let’s do four more!

Can you believe it’s been four years already? It seems as though it’s been only yesterday since I started this site. There are a few things that have happened over the last twelve months here.

Also, to keep the annual counter going, I must remind you that the Nintendo 64 was released this day, 22 years ago.

  • Last July we released a new section of the site – the Nintendo 64 Price Checker. It’s been gathering data for many months now so the long-term projections can be fairly accurate. I fixed a couple of things here and there since launch (not affecting the data, only the interface), and it seems to be in good working order.
  • Many more additions to the homebrew section. This year Kaze Emanuar has been releasing new mods for Super Mario 64 non stop, particularly this year such as Super Mario 64: Ocarina of Time. Also last year saw the release of 007 Goldfinger for the N64, a mod on Goldeneye. I’ve been meaning to start making a guide on it, but I’m waiting for my Ultra HDMI adapter to come in.
  • A whole bunch of kickstarter projects. There was the two for the Retro Fighters controllers (classic grey and translucent multicolor) and then another for a cartridge release for 40 Winks. There was about to be one for Glover 2, but a misunderstanding about license ownership brought that to a halt.
  • A lot of speculation about the N64 Mini. So much so that I refuse to make a post about it until something official comes out. What I did however was to aggregate a bunch of ‘Top X N64 Mini games’ lists and see which games people were most excited to see. I still see new listicles coming in here and there, so I kind of wish that I had made a more longitudinal study instead.

That’s about it for this year. Here’s to a good 5th year!

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It's been four years since the launch of N64 Squid and 22 since the N64 was released in Japan. Let's have a recap of what has happened in the last year.
Article published on N64 Squid


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