LCARS is the first (and only) demo by WT Riker, released on October 1998. it consists of a few screens that have scrolling marquee text and bitmaps on them, tied together with a Star Trek theme.

You can download the file for this demo including the ROM here by using the password “lcarsbywtriker”.

Files and Transcript


LCARS The original bets for the entrprise computer coded by WT_RIKER
Press any key to continue this nightmare

Greetings and salutations to Acid Actraiser, Buff, Breakpoint, Demo, Frac, Hartec, Immo JL Picard, Jovis, Kemuri, Lac, Motion, Magra, Netizen, Refried Sage, Sispeo, SOS, STE, Sy, Titanek, TheCrazyOne, Twimsen, Tuff, Widget, Wildfire, Wilz, Zero.
Well done to the people whos quotes made it to the top ten.
Good luck to all the other Summer of Sixty Four entries Thanks to Hitsquad for creating Summer of Sixty Four Thanks to Twinsen and JL Picard for listening to all my crap. Have fun. WT Riker.

  1. <Twinsen_> Netscape molested Explorer I think
  2. <tc1> how long is it?
  3. <_Buff_> p0k3y/h1tm3n
  4. <rider> eww, web surfing on a 14.4 just plain sucks…
  5. <Steve–> He should have a good spanking then!
  6. <|Emperor|> I will take care of him like I did his boyfriend
  7. <_bp_> twinsen molests luigi
    <_bp_> that’s why he wasn’t in sm64
  8. <pif_> I am friend to all!
  9. <LaC> haha quit acting like u know who rbubba is JL 🙂
  10. <JLPicard> all coders are horny.
    <JLPicard> its a fact

Dextrose description

William T. Riker with his Summer64-Demo. Scroller, GFX, and a 3D-Enterprise


Summer64 Demo
LCARS by WT_Riker

LCARS is a bit more complex than the standard marquee/bitmap demo in some ways a less in others. It has several screens, the first is triggered by a button press and the rest unfold as they complete their sequence.

Te first is a title screen with the Summer of 64 logo and a brief introduction. The second is a bitmap of the N64 logo with various characters printed on each of its sides. I think I remember seeing this particular logo some time in the past, maybe in a magazine. The third screen is a bitmap of starship enterprise flying across the screen, and the last one (or two, depending on how you see it) is the marquee segment.

The demo seems to have a very heavy emphasis on Star Trek: The Next Generation. The creator’s name is WT_Riker, a reference to William Thomas Riker who gives thanks to JL_Picard in the marquee text. I guess this is the closest thing the N64 will get to a Star Trek game. The PS1 got Star Trek: Invasion, but that wasn’t until two years later.

The name of the demo is a reference to LCARS, the Library Computer Access/Retrieval System which is the operating system used in the computers aboard the ship. This indicates that the ROM is meant to be an emulation of the software on the Nintendo 64.

There is an obvious Starship Enterprise flying across the screen during one of the demo’s phases.

Finally during the marquee segment, there’s a portrait of Will Riker (albeit a bit choppy) and a United Federation of Planets logo moving across the screen. It is during this part of the LCARS demo that some choice quotes (I presume from the N64 Dev IRC) are listed at the bottom of the screen.

LCARS Mystery text

There is a bit of mystery text in the marquee segment between WTR’s portrait and the UFP logo:

I couldn’t see it on an emulator, only on the real hardware. This is what the text looks like when digitally enhanced:

I managed to make a little bit of it out, this is what it says:

__ ______ ______ who will (have/show) it. stop reading this

Now I’m not a huge Star Trek fan, but it’s probably a quote from The Next Generation. If anyone does figure this Easter egg out, let me know in the comments below.

Articles across the web

LCARS is a Nintendo 64 homebrew demo by WT_Riker that features many references to Star Trek: The next Generation. Help us decipher the hidden text within.
Article published on N64 Squid


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