
Pamela is a Nintendo 64 Homebrew demo released in October 1999 and is the only ROM made by Pamela.

You can find the ROM and accompanying files here by using the password “pamelabypamela”.



This file came from:

 ___       _                _        _            __   _  _
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Your one stop spot for Doctor V64 related utilities and info.


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       Serious Traders and Coders O.N.L.Y. -  T1 FTP - SiTEOP: Stumble

        - B L A C K B A G   W H Q -    /   - S N E A K E R S   W H Q - 
	- M S F T U G  Inet W H Q -    /    - I C E A G E   D I S T -
   	- H O O L I G A N S   US H Q - /    - ? ? ? ? ? ? ? -


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          /     /\     \     /   |    /    /    /____/      \_____    |
          \____________/_________|____\    \____|                |____|

The one and only Pamela presents her very first demo on Nintendo. First of all, I’ll like to send some greetz to: Picard, The Crow, Kenji, Sub Zero, Jokasmile, Wolf, Antherox, Rude Boy, All Members of BBS and SNK and to all Doctor traders in the world.

If you want any stuff for doctor please visit our URL. Now some of the latest releases Mischief Makers US, Mace the Dark Age, Top Gear Rally

At last a big thank to MSFTUG for the source code…

CU in future ur Pamela


This is, by admission, one of the simplest and low-effort N64 homebrew demos out there. There’s so little in here that I’m having trouble thinking of anything to say about it.

The ROM is a marquee of scrolling text on a plain black background with some techno music playing. The font consists of large rotating red letters, which is hard enough to read on its own but the letters are so big that most words don’t fit on a single screen. Seriously, it fits about 4.5 letters at one time.

The video is a bit strange. The marquee lasts for about 2:30 and then stays on a black screen. The marquee loops again at around 5:00. Maybe it looped and was invisible for some reason? I don’t know.

The text doesn’t really say anything too interesting, it’s mostly thanks and acknowledgements to her friends from Dextrose. The most interesting bit is that there’s a mention of a link pointing towards “stuff for doctor”, including some “latest releases”.

The link points to which is a 404 error whose homepage is a Japanese healthcare website called “healthy heart”. I suppose this link is lost to the waves of time. The original page wasn’t archived likely due to no links pointing to it since it probably had some ROM dumps of the mentioned games and more.

Articles across the web

Pamela is a Nintendo 64 homebrew demo made by Pamela in October 1999. It features red scrolling text and a link to an old N64 website and repository.
Article published on N64 Squid


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