Obsidian Y2K

The Obsidian Y2K demo is a Nintendo 64 Homebrewn demo made by Obsidian on 31 December 1999, just before the turn of the millenium. It is advertised as the last demo developed in the 20th century, and the first released in the 21st.

You can download the ROM and accompanying files by visiting the download page and using the password “y2kdemobyobsidian”.

Transcript and files

ROM Transcript

Obsidian presents the Y2K Demo

Welcome to the Obsidian Y2K Demo, coded in the 20th century for the 21st century! We wish everyone out there a happy new year, and welcome to the 21st century… We can only wonder what the 23th or 24th century may be like but we can say we lived in both the 20th and 21st centuries. 1999 was a good year for Obsidian, with many useful tools, this however is our first demo. It is a nice way to start off the new year… I think.

Greets fly out to… …… *Wizard – 0x4E494C – Badmonkey – Bpoint – Buff – Counto – Datawiz – Dazz – Firefoot – Hico – Hotblack – Hyjinx – Immo – Jamsed – Jovis – Ju – Kain – Kdogg – Kemuri – Klone – Lac – Locke – Lordstryfe – Luckypierre – Madeira-G – Mattzaway – Majicom – Microman – Nagra – Netizen Nintense – Osi-C1P – PhilJ – Pif_ – Pitt – Poys – Redbox – Rider – RZA – Sage – Scrotey – Silent101 – Sir – Sneaky – Spaman – Steve– – Supershod – sy* – Tracker – Tuff* – Voodoo64 – Wildfire – Wilz – Zodi

– Greets to every N64 backup user! – Thanks to all the Obsidian supporters!

Kind regards to past Obsidian members, TS_Garp, Silver, Cyryx, Angelo, Crowtrobo, Cforman, Subice, & Codemaster. —— If I missed you on the greet list, I am sorry, but it is almost 00.00 1st January 2000. All bus in the demo are thanks to Y2K, I have nothing to do with them, they are not my fault! There is also a little (egg) in the demo, I will leave you to work it out, but here is a quick hint… You don’t need the controllers… Good luck!

The Y2K demo credits… – Code by… WT_Riker – Graphics by… WT_Riker – Modplayer by… Lac – Music by… Sirid – Speech by… Bell Labs – Beta testing by… JL_Picard & Refried

Look out for more Obsidian projects in the year 2000. We plan to support the N64 to the end!

Happy new year from The Obsidian team! Refried, JL_Picard & WT_Riker.

———————-(Loop Begins)———————-


           ______                           ______                             
           \_    |                         |    _/                 /\ -poyZ/99 
____________|    |___     ________      ___|    |         ________/  \_________
\ _    _    |    _   \_.--\    __/_____/   _    |______.--\_    _/    \     _ /
:\/    /    |    /    /    \    \     |    \    |     /    _    |    \ \    \/:
:                                                                             :
:                        O   B   S   I   D   I   A   N                        :
:                                                                             :
:                                                                             :
:   Whats in obs-y2kd.zip?                                 31st December 1999 :
:   ----------------------                                                    :
:                                                                             :
:       obs-y2kd.txt         Guide to The Y2K Demo (This File)                :
:       obs-y2kd.nfo         Brief Info                                       :
:       obs-y2kd.v64         The Y2K Demo [V64 Format]                        :
:                                                                             :
:                                                                             :
:   The Y2K Demo.                                                             :
:   -------------                                                             :
:                                                                             :
:   "The last demo coded in 1999, The first demo released in 2000!"           :
:                                                                             :
:   Obsidian would like to welcome in the new century with a nice demo. The   :
:   Y2K Demo is our first N64 demo to be released. We will continue to        :
:   support the N64 scene into the year 2000 and beyond. Look out for more    :
:   Obsidian projects in the near future. We hope all backup unit users       :
:   enjoy the interesting times ahead!                                        :
:                                                                             :
:                                                                             :
:             http://go.to/obsidian/  -  [email protected]                 :
:                                                                             :
:                     : Obsidian Team :  Department   :                       :
:          \_    |    +---------------+---------------+            /\ -poyZ/99:
:___________|    |___ :   WT_Riker    :   Coding      :   ________/  \_________
\ _    _    |    _   \:   JL_Picard   :   Coding      :.--\_    _/    \     _ /
:\/    /    |    /    :   Refried     :   Coding      :    _    |    \ \    \/:
:/__________|________/:   CForman     :   Graphics    :_________|_____\______\:


           ______                           ______                             
           \_    |                         |    _/                 /\ -poyZ/99 
____________|    |___     ________      ___|    |         ________/  \_________
\ _    _    |    _   \_.--\    __/_____/   _    |______.--\_    _/    \     _ /
:\/    /    |    /    /    \    \     |    \    |     /    _    |    \ \    \/:
:                                                                             :
:                        O   B   S   I   D   I   A   N                        :
:                                                                             :
:                                                                             :
:                        obs-y2kd.zip  --  The Y2K Demo                       :
:                                                                             :


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ݲ±°°°°°°°°°°°              - DùEùXùTùRùOùSùE -              °°°°°°°°°°°°±²Þ
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The Obsidian Y2K demois a fairly standard marquee style demo with a few things that set it apart. It has the main marquee (of course), but it also has a few other ones with ‘Obsidian’ scrolling around both vertically and horizontally.

Before the demo even begins, it has a short intro that only lasts a few seconds, but it has a synthesized voice sayong the first line “Obsidian presents the Y2K demo”, pronouncing it ‘deemo’.

There is also this little star that whizzes around the marquee towards the left. What I find interesting about this is that it travels in a helix pattern, alternating between being in front and behind the scrolling text.

This demo was made with two main announcements, the turn of the century and the formation of the Obsidian group as a team of Demo makers.

The turn of the century claim is real, the file was last modified 31 December 1999 at 11:59. Since it probably took 2 hours to upload 147kb back in the day, it’s safe to assume it was uploaded in the year 2000.

As a start of the Obsidian team, it serves the purpose just fine. Though the bad news is that it was made too little too late since there wasn’t much life on the N64 demo scene past the new year and they only made one more demo together called Fireworks (post coming soon, hopefully).

Articles across the web

Obsidian Y2K is a Nintendo 64 homebrew demo that was meant to celebrate the turn of the millenium and introduce the Obsidian group to the demo scene.
Article published on N64 Squid


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