Hard: Coded

Hard:Coded is a Nintendo 64 homebrew demo released in July 1997. It’s a first attempt at making a demo by IceAge’s Fractal and Silo.
The demo consists of three parts (besides title cards). The first is ‘Bitmap & Scroller’ has a full-res image with some scrolling text. The second has a lava lamp-like plasma effect image in the same vein as Pause. The last one shows some textured 3D models spinning around. It’s overall the most well-rounded demo around, having both 2D and 3D segments indifferent stages.
You can download the ROM by visiting the download page and using “FractalSilo” as your password.
IceAge Present *= Hard:Coded =* July 97 Coded by Silo & Fractal Bitmap & Scroller Hard:Coded by Fractal & Silo of Iceage. Welcome to our first outing into the realm of N64 demo coding…. To move on from any part of the demo just press any button on Controller 1 otherwise sit back and see if you’re in the greetings. The awesome background art is by Made/BOMB! and won first place at LTP97. Silo & Fractal would like to poke the following people with a stick:- Redbox (for his undying faith in all things spicy), Locke (for the help he gave Silo), Stumble, Nagra, Datawiz, Matzer, Val, RBubba, Oman, Con-Mango, Unit, Zigor, Twinsen, SuperDoc, Sispeo, Jovis, 007, NRover, Rainman, Necromanc, SomeStan, SOS, Fredro, Mtx, Xad, ASNesU, Insider, Actie, Hartec, ZBlood, ProStalker, Weasel, Rip, BlackHole, Titanik & Crazy Nation……. RGB Plasma .:Any button to exit:. Textured Objects
BBBBBBBBBBB "SURESHOT!" B BB BB by MADE/B0MB! BB BB (320x256/128c) BBBBBBB Compo pic 1st BB BB place at the B BB BB LTP'97. BBBBBBBBBBB [FEB1997] +FAST compo pic.
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Hard:Coded section breakdown
After the intro happens, the first section titled Bitmap & Scroller appears. It consists of text scrolling and waving across the image of a clown pointing a gun at the camera and a heavy metal guy lighting up a cigar.
The text is mostly an explanation of the demo plus a long credit roll. The text has this wave effect on it, which made it a bit annoying to transcribe, but not too much.
The image is called Sure Shot, and it was made by Made/Bomb! for a contest back in February 1997, when it won the Lucky & Tigrou Party draw competition. This was a French competition in which people drew artwork for Amiga and PC.

The second section is called RGB Plasma, and it is what it says on the tin. It has a similar effect to what you’d see in Pause by RedboX, but a different set of colors in a smaller resolution and a much more random pattern.
The final part of Hard:Coded is the Textured Objects section. Here you can see a textured grey skull rotating around, and some circular grey rainbow-colored object floating above. About 25 seconds in, the object descends and is revealed to be a torus, which encircles the skull and starts rotating as well
A strange thing about this last part is that as much as the skull rotates, you never see the top or back of it straight-on. It’s always facing one of the other sides. A similar effect happens with the torus, there are some patterns you never see directly because of the way it rotates.
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