007 Goldeneye HD version unearthed

I’ve spoken about 007 Goldeneye many times before. It’s no surprise that it’s talked about so often; it’s a game that’s pretty much synonymous with the N64 four-player multiplayer action since its release in 1997. The great thing about a great game being so popular is that you get a lot of buzz about anything related to it. For example, you have Perfect Dark, the spiritual successor to Goldeneye made by the same team and the re-skin of it called Goldeneye X. You also have Goldeneye Source for Steam and the 2010 remake for the Wii so there’s plenty to choose from if you want an update. A true ‘007 Goldeneye HD’ was never released, but now we might just have something to sink our teeth into:

Video footage

This video contains 30 minutes of footage from an unreleased HD remake of the classic Nintendo 64 game and I must say – it looks great. It was destined to be released on the XBox live arcade sometime in 2008 for the XBox 360. It ended up in limbo because of some legal dispute between Nintendo and Microsoft so it never got to see the light of day, and it’s likely that this is as close as we get to seeing a play-by-play remake of the original. (The 2010 game followed the same plot, but was set in more of a Daniel Craig sort of universe and with different levels)

007 Goldeneye HD gallery

Finishing the game on Cradle.

Finishing the game on Cradle.

Opining sequence from Dam.

Opining sequence from Dam.

The bathroom scene in Facility.

The bathroom scene in Facility.

Shooting a guard in Aztec.

Shooting a guard in Aztec.

Articles across the web

This 007 Goldeneye HD remake for XBLA never saw the light of day, but dedicated fans have managed to scrounge 30 minutes of video footage for all to see.
Article published on N64 Squid


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