TR64 Demo

The TR64 Demo is a homebrew demo by F|res and Icepir8 (aka Fires and Icepirate) released on 02 May 2000. It is a text scroller demo that is meant to be used as a demo that people could use for the TR64 emulator.
You can download the ROM here by using the password truereality
About TR64 Demo
There honestly isn’t very much to say about this demo. It’s a text scroller with no audio or graphics, and the only real interesting thing about it is that it uses 3D graphics to produce the text and rotate it around a black background.
TR… By… Fires
TR Sixty Four by Fires and Icepirate. This is my first Nintendo Sixtyfour demo. I like to thank Locke for the source to ultra demo. Greetz to Niki Fires HWND LaC Lemmy Slacka Demo Schibo Duddie Zilmar Spikez Lionel Locke Scav Gerrit Jabo RCP Lothos Contrasf Azimer Cricket Fly Martin BWB Zico Luigi Peterd Alex and everyone on Efnet and the too many others to list
TR Sixtyfour

The rest of the demo after this is just “TR SIXTYFOUR” looped around in all sorts of animations.
The only thing I can say about this is that it was made as a sample ROM for the TR64 emulator, an emulator that hasn’t been updated since 2003. The other point of interest is that it is based on another ROM called Ultra 1 Demo by Locke (review pending), which is pretty much the exact same thing but with different coloured text models and different scrolling text.
Review and conclusion
There really isn’t much to say about this the TR64 demo. It’s a hack of another demo so there isn’t really much technical prowess on display here, and it’s mostly illegible so even if you want to read it, you really can’t.
It really only stands out on being a bit of promotional material, much like the ROM intros that were attached to pirated games back in the 90’s.

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