TR64 Demo is a homebrew ROM that was created to be shipped alongside the TR64 emulator for the Nintendo 64 to give users something to run.
Game of Life is a homebrew demo by James Friend where you can simulate a random instance of Conway’s Game of Life.
Megahawks Music Disk 1 is a demo for the Nintendo 64 that is a recreation of a demo for the Commodore Amiga from 1989 that plays music.
There is now a Dezaemon 3D English translation courtesy of Whowasphone404 and Zoinkity so you can make your own 3D shoot ’em up levels!
Pips Pong is a homebrew N64 game by Mr Pips. It’s another Pong game, but this time, the graphics for the game are in 3D.
Brew Reality is a homebrew demo/game by SpookyIluha where you fly a jet plane in any direction around some grassy and watery terrain in 3D.
The N64brew Game Jam for 2024 has been announced! Let’s have a look.
The PC Engine Emulator is a homebrew project by Team Blackbag that lets you play Galaga ’90 right on your N64.
POMolizer is a homebrew by Renderman of Team Protest Design which showcases a variety of 2D effects on the Nintendo 64.
You can use the N64’s Reality Display Processor to speed up hardware graphics rendering of shapes and sprites. It’s faster, but more complex and less flexible.