NuFan Demo download

This is the download page for NuFan demo, the homebrew demo by Kid Stardust. To get the password and find out more, visit the main page about the ROM.

Enter Password



  |                                ---====---                                |
  |                       --=== THE SECRET FORCE ===--                       |
  |                             \__/--====--\__/                             |
  |                                                                          |
  |                             proudly presents                             |
  |                                                                          |
  |                                N.U.f.a.N.                                |
  |                                                                          |
  |                              a new N64 demo                              |
  |                                 coded by                                 |
  |                               KID STARDUST                               |
  |                                                                          |
  |                           Date: 26. June 1998                            |
  |                                                                          |
  |                          The Secret Force are:                           |
  |                  Sispeo, Twinsen, Rene, Kid Stardust                     |
  |                                                                          |
  |                         Kid Stardust says hi to:                         |
  |                                                                          |
  | frac, ste, wildfire, lac, jovis, hartec, zeronine, fx, B.Dor, major rom, |
  |  steve, osi-1cp, brettb, immo, widget, desmond, cybo-d, rudeboy, jihad,  |
  |    nagra, curtmac, shroomz, nil, acid, jl picard, maxx, segmond, silo,   |
  | stan, lem, kid, bpoint, stumble, dirj, trilili, placebo, saska, titanik  |
  |               rip, redbox, rbubba, sneaky, rainman, locke                |
  |                       and to all i have forgotten...                     |
  |                                                                          |
  |        If you are a 3d/2d-artist please contact Kid Stardust !!!         |
  |                          (usual place on EFnet)                          |


|               --===--              |
|      -== THE SECRET FORCE ==-      |
|               --===--              |
|          proudly presents          |
|                                    |
|              N.U.f.a.N.            |
|                                    |
|    a demo coded by Kid Stardust    |
`-[Date: 26.06.98]=======[N64/DEMO]=-'


                              leeched from

           ________.      ____     _____________
       _ __\       |______) _/_____)     ______/ ___________________ _
    ._///   \_     |      ____   ___      ___/                      \\\_.
    |         \    l     /   |    \         |                           |
    |          \        /    l     \        |   . Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx . |
    |_          \      /            \       |                          _|
     /__________ \    /              \     _| _________________________\

Articles across the web

This is the download page for NuFan demo, the homebrew demo by Kid Stardust. To get the password and find out more, visit the main page about the ROM. TSF-NUfa.nfo .==========================================================================. | ---====--- | | --=== THE SECRET FORCE ===-- | | \__/--====--\__/ | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | proudly presents | | | | N.U.f.a.N. […]
Article published on N64 Squid


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