Teens play Super Smash Bros on the Nintendo 64

So if you’ve been on youtube any time in the past few years, you’ve probably seen a link to a related video titled “Kids/teens/youtubers/etc react to ____!”. As a result, you’ve probably clicked on its enticing thumbnail and title at some point or another. I must admit that I’ve seen a few of these and they’re usually okay, so when I saw that they were having teens play and react to Smash Bros on the Nintendo 64.

Teens play Super Smash Bros

Narrator: Well so today you are playing… this!

Rumor: Ooh! I love Super Smash Bros but this is like the original one.

Alix: I haven’t actually like seen one in a long time. 1996 that’s when I was born.

Josh:I had no idea Super Smash Bros is this old, I’ve only played the Wii.

Ethan: Super Smash Bros on Nintendo 64; oh my god I haven’t played this in years!

have played Super Smash Bros; I haven’t played it on the Nintendo 64 before though.

Mikaela: Okay
there’s there’s a thing that goes in here? Isn’t there like a thing that goes in there or something? I don’t know, wait! No this is the game thing this is the game thing .

Narrator: We’re gonna do something different today you’ll actually playing against other reactors.

Ethan: Yes oh my god athis is gonna be awesome because I’m Just gonna win.

Josh: This is gonna be fun!

Rumor: I’ve never played the original one so this is gonna be really exciting.

Narrator: Going on one against one first, and then the winner of those matches will move to a three-person free-for-all as the final battle.

Troy: Ooh, that’s sick! Someone’s dying today like if I don’t win.

Mikaela: Vidogames aren’t exactly my strength but I
could try you know? It’s the effort that counts right?

Alix: I’m pretty competitive I like to like beat people.

Rumor: It’s gonna be me so fun! I wanna go against Alix, she seems like the kind of girl that would know what is going on with video games!

And that’s about as much as I’m willing to transcribe. The next 7 minutes are watching the teens play the game with competitive banter.


If you’ve seen other videos of [whatever] React, you’ll know what to expect. In this one, the teens play Super Smash Bros for the Nintendo 64. Before I continue, I must warn you that this commentary might include spoilers. Not that you’d really care given that there isn’t really much story to the video, but I’ll just put it out there.

There’s six of them playing the game, they play  three 1v1 matches and the three winners play a free-for-all. In the end the winner was Ethan. Congratulations, you’re winner!

One of the weird things I noticed is that this makes me feel really old. One of them mentioned that they were born in 1996, the year that the N64 was released (SSB was released in 1999). Has it really been that long that people as old as them remember the N64 as a thing before their time. Goddamn.

Articles across the web

The react channel uploaded a video where teens play the original Smash Bros for the Nintendo 64. Let's have a look, shall we?
Article published on N64 Squid


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