Open a beer with a N64 controller
This is some old news here, but I thought it might be a nice aside from the usual going-ons about homebrew games. This is a video on how to open a beer bottle with a Nintendo 64 controller. That says pretty much all you need to know about it, really. Let’s get right to it.
How to open a beer with a Nintendo 64 controller
Dude 2: You mean Cooper’s Pale Ale?
Dude 1: Yes, I’d love some Cooper’s Pale Ale. But I don’t have a bottle opener!
Dude 2: Shit, all we have is this N64 controller! Cause we’re playing some N64. This unmodified N64 controller because we’re playing… (laugh) I guess we’ll have to improvise.
(Dude 2 opens the bottle)
Dude 1: (Drinks from the bottle) Aah!
Dude 2: For those of you that didn’t see, let’s do it nice and close up. So you chuck it into the Memory Pak slot upside down and you just pull! (Opens bottle)
Dude 1: Second time. Gimme that shit.
It’s just a neat little trick that can help you out in a pinch. I never tried this myself, but I suppose that the edge of the bottle cap will dig into the plastic in the controller and leave a bit of a dent or scratch. Just saying, proceed with caution.