
NuSystem (probably short for Nintendo ultra System) is a C Library used by the Nintendo 64 that helps the development of Nintendo 64 programs by providing the application with an alternative way of communicating with the N64 OS, and subsequently the hardware. This page will provide an index of everything related to NuSystem, from the explanation of the library to working through demos.

The NuSystem Structure.

As you can see from the above diagram, the application can communicate directly with the OS, but the NuSystem library provides a more user-friendly intermediary for development. The main problem with depending on the library is that there might be functions that are not included or it might not run as efficiently as hand-written code. Either way, it was still a tool that was used by real N64 developers for developing the initial stages of Nintendo 64 games.


These are all the bit and pieces that can be used.

[Page yet to be made]

NuSystem demos

These are all of the demos that are included in the N64 SDK and a run-through of what we can learn from them.


This is the most basic program, all it does is show a square. In this page, we’ll go through the processes of how the game runs so that we can have the basics covered.



The Nu1 program expands on what Nu0 established – now that there is a foundation, Nu1 starts some action. It enables the application to animate the square, take controller input, and use that input to influence the movement of the square.



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